Dow Jones Calendar API Documentation

The Calendar API provides company and macroeconomic event data that keeps traders, investment managers, and active individual investors abreast of the statistics, earnings, meetings, and announcements that move the markets.

Table of Contents

Event Types

Corporate Calendar

Dow Jones provides Corporate Calendar data from 5 event classes. These
event classes have sub-categories of events that are assigned a series code.
Each event has a Series Code in the metadata that allows identifying specific
event categories that you are looking for.
The table below lists all the event classes and the underlying Series Codes
and event names that are available in the data.

EventClass SeriesCode Description
Earnings &
Trading Statements

Earnings announcement

PrelimEarnings  Preliminary earnings announcement
TradeStmt  Trading Statement
Dividends DivIntrmEx

Interim ex-dividend data


Interim dividend payment date


Final dividend ex-dividend data


Final dividend payment date


Flexible dividend ex-dividend data


Flexible dividend payment date


Special dividend ex-dividend data


Special dividend payment date

Calls & GMs


Analyst meeting / call


Capital Markets Day


Earnings results presentation


Guidance presentation


Press conference


Shareholder meeting (annual, general or special)

IPO and M&A


IPO - initial pricing


IPPO - final pricing


IPO - Admission of dealing


M&A - Tender offer expiration date


M&A - Date merger complates


M&A - Last listing date

Rights and Splits


Rights issue - Ratio & Price


Rights issue - Record date


Rights issue - End of subscription date


Rights issue - Start of subscription date


Stock Split - Payment/Distribution Date


Stock Split - New Shares Start Trading Date


Stock Split - Ratio & Price


Stock Split - Record Date


Stock Split - Start of subscription period


Stock Split - End of subscription period

Not all event types include complete history. Here’s a breakdown of the start dates in the data for some of the event types:

  • IPO and M&A - Dates for IPO and M&A events that affect major markets - Jan 2019 is the first iteration of the event class
  • Rights and Splits - Scheduled dates around the issuance of new securities or stock splits - Jan 2019 is the first iteration of the event class

Economic Calendar

Dow Jones provides Macroeconomic event data covering 59 countries. There are over 350 macroeconomic events and figures that are covered per each country. Some of these events and figures are present in each covered country, and others are unique per country.

Here are the top 15 event types in the data:

SeriesCode Description
CPI  Consumer Price Index
TrdBal  Trade Balance
PPI  Producer Price Index
IndProd  Industrial Production
BalPay  Balance of Payments
RetSales  Retail Sales
PMIMfg  PMI - Manufacturing
Unemp  Unemployment
Employment  Employment
InterestRates  Interest Rate Announcements
GDPFlash  GDP - Flash Est.
ConsConf  Consumer Confidence
PMISvcs  PMI - Services
MoneySupply  Money Supply

The country codes that are provided in the response in the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country format. The events are uniquely identified by the Country Code + Series Code combination (for example, AU_BalPay points to Balance of Payments as reported for Australia.

The complete list of events, series codes, and countries can be found here:

Data Schema

The root element, Event, has the following attributes. These attributes are provided with an @ symbol preceding the name within the Event element of the parsed-event element in the API response.

This information is included in the Dow Jones response type (ResponseType: 0 in the API).

The data schema is the same for both the Corporate Calendar and the Economic Calendar data from Dow Jones.

SeriesCode Description Required Possible values
Type An attribute of Event, Type=”INSERT” is a required attribute that defines a new event that must be entered into the database or an existing event that will be replaced (i.e. overwritten). Y _
EventId An attribute of Event, EventID is a unique identifier for an event which persists across messages relating to a particular event. Y _
Elementized This optional attribute of Event indicates if an event is associated with an Elementized News Feed indicator that will be updated in real-time when the event data is published.
Y: This event is linked to an Elementized
News Feed Indicator
N: This is a standalone event and will not be updated in real-time although it may be updated in a “timely” manner
Confirmed This optional attribute of Event indicates whether the event data and time are confirmed or still provisional.
Y: The event is confirmed | N: The event is not confirmed
EventCategory This optional attribute contains a numeric value that enables linkage of certain historical elementized events. Beginning in July 2015, this attribute will be deprecated and its function will be superseded by the SeriesCode attribute. N _
SeriesCode This optional attribute of Event is used to
define repeatable. For IEP events, the combination of a SeriesCode and a country results in a unique identifier for a repeatable
event for which Dow Jones supplies numeric data. For ICC events, the combination of Ticker or ISIN and SeriesCode is a unique identifier for an event
N _
KeyEvent KeyEvent is an optional attribute of Event that is set for macro-economic events. Key events are editorially selected and indicate those events that are important to markets, regionally or globally, and are seen as more likely to influence government and central bank policy decisions.
Y: this event has been marked as a Key Event
N: this event had not been designated as a KEY Event
Updating An optional attribute of Event that indicates whether the macro-economic event is updated with actual figures.
The Updating flag is different from the Elementized flag.
The Updating flag will be set for all Elementized events and for additional events that are manually or otherwise updated with Actual figures by Dow Jones.
Y: this event is updated with Actual figures
N: This event will not be updated with Actual figures
LastModified This is an optional attribute that indicates the date and time the event was last modified. N _

Additional elements and their attributes that can be included in the data are
in the Appendix - Corporate and Economic Calendar Data Schema section. 

Data Format

There are two data formats that are currently supported: the full response and the simplified response.

The full response
(“ResponseFormat”: 0) is a JSON representation of the fields, attributes and values described above in the Data Schema section.

The simplified response
(“ResponseFormat:” 1) is a JSON representation of only the required fields from the Data Schema section.


REST API should generally be used to retrieve an arbitrary or filtered list of Signal Stream trade ideas on demand for a specific time period in the past.

For real time report retrieval please use the Streaming (WebSocket) API.


Swagger URL:


Documentation URL:
Exchange your username and password for a Bearer token that you can pass with any request. The token is valid for 14 days.

Sample Request

Sample Response

The retrieved access_token is the Bearer token that you can pass in the Authorization header of your API requests.

Common Requests

Endpoint: POST /api/djevents

Get Corporate Events Only
Description: Retrieve all events from the Dow Jones Calendar Data, filtered by Corporate Events data type.

Sample Request

Sample response is provided in the Appendix - REST API Response Sample section.

Get Economic Events Only

Description: Retrieve Macroeconomic events only.

Sample request:

Sample response is identical to the previous requests. The only difference is in the returned values. A sample is provided in the Appendix - REST API Response Sample section.

Get Events By Countries

Description: Retrieve either Macroeconomic or Corporate Events by a collection of ISO2 country codes.

Sample request:

Sample response is identical to the previous requests. A sample is provided in the Appendix - REST API Response Sample section.

Get Corporate Events by ISINs

Description: Retrieve a list of corporate events by using a collection of ISIN codes to identify securities. This example uses ISINs for Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp.

Sample request

Sample response is identical to the previous requests. A sample is provided in the Appendix - REST API Response Sample section.

Get Events by Acuity Asset IDs

Description: Retrieve a list of economic events for EURUSD (asset ID: 50) and Gold (asset ID: 46).
It’s possible to retrieve corporate events this way as well, it’s simply necessary to obtain a list of
Acuity Asset IDs before doing that.

Sample request:

Sample response is identical to the previous requests. A sample is provided in the Appendix - REST API Response Sample section.

Streaming (WebSocket) API

The purpose of this API is to deliver the Signal Stream trade ideas in real time after their publication and/or modification.


Streaming API:
Dow Jones Calendar:


To authenticate, you need to pass your API key in the server URL when connecting to
Acuity API. Example: wss://

Common Subscription Parameters

Each subscription in the Streaming API has the following parameters:

  • “action” (string) could be either subscribe or unsubscribe
  • “topic” (string) could be assets or screports. Other topics are also supported, but require additional services to be enabled.
  • “format” (int) - either 0 (full response) or 1 (simplified response). Simplified response delivers only mandatory fields and can be easier to process.

Subscribe to Corporate Events

Sample request:

Subscribe to Economic Events 

Sample subscription message

Subscribe to Events by Countries

Sample subscription message

Subscribe to Events by ISINs

Sample subscription message

Response Samples

Insert message
This message type is sent when a brand new report is published. The same message type is also sent with an update. The user simply needs to replace the previously received event with the new data in full. Please see a sample message in the Appendix.

Delete message
This message type is sent when a report has any of the fields updated. Please see a sample message in the Appendix.

Code Samples

For REST API you can use any language that supports sending/receiving web requests in JSON format.

For the Streaming (WebSocket) API, please consult the following pages:
C# Sample


Corporate and Economic Calendar Data Schema 

Name Description Attributes Attribute
Required Possible
EventUrl A URL link to more information
about the event
Venue The place or venue where the
event will occur
EventCode This indicates the event
type. Current values are ICC
for corporate events, IEP for
Macroeconomic events and IDC
for Debt
EventClass EventClass is an optional element
that defines event categories. It
can be used as a parameter for
sorting and filtering
A collection of social media
items providing information
about the event. This item is
optional and must contain at
least one SocialMediaItem child

Child of SocialMediaInformation
-- value is a URL





SocialMediaItem has 3 possible
attributes all of which are



Type A required attribute for
SocialMediaInformation that identifies
the kind social media link provided.
This item can have three values:
• url
• email
• hashtag
Y url
Description A required attribute for
SocialMediaInformation that identifies
the social media outlet. It can have
one of three values:
• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
Y Facebook
Scope A required attribute of
SocialMediaInformation that indicates
if the information is about an
organization or an event. This element
can have either of two values:
• Organisation
• Event
Y Organisation
GeoLocation An optional element specifying
the longitude and latitude of an
event venue
_ _ N _
Latitude Child of GeoLocation
specifying latitude
_ _ N _
Longitude Child of GeoLocation
specifying longitude
_ _ N _
Influencers A collection of Influencer items
used to designate Economic VIPs
_ _ N _
Influencer Child of Influencers -- value is
the name of the influencer as
provided by Kantar Media
InfluencerCode A unique ID assigned to each
Economic VIP tracked by Kantar
Y _
EcoInfo A collection of items providing
information that will help users
understand the data underlying a
macroeconomic event
_ _ N _
Frequency Brief comment about the
data provider about the event
frequency with which data is
disseminated to the public
_ _ N _
Definition General description of the
event data elements and
collection methods
_ _ N _
Meaning Information as to why this
data is important to the e
conomy and to investors
_ _ N _
Details The collection of all of the
data elements associated
with this event
_ _ N _
Detail The container for information
about a specific data element
Detail has 2 possible attributes,
1 of which is required
ID A required attribute of Detail that
identifies a specific data element
for an event. These IDs are fixed so
they do not change over time. If a
data element is retired, its Detail ID is
retired. If a new data element is added
to a series, a new Detail ID is added
For macroeconomic events, the
combination of country + SeriesCode
+ Detail ID is a un
Y _
Importance An optional attribute of Detail
applied to IEP events. When applied,
the attribute will have values of H
(high) or M (medium) or L (low). The
values are applied by the DJ news
team and indicate their assessment
of which data elements are most
closely watched by professionals.
Items marked H provide the
strongest signals to the market,
giving insight into the likely impact
of the reported data. Items marked
M provide a less powerful signal, and
datapoints marked with L, while of
relatively less importance to realtime global markets, can help round
out the picture of regional economic
performance for ongoing analytical
Description A description of the
individual data element
that is to be reported
_ _ N _
DJComboDetail This optional element is a
concise combination of an
economic indicator event
name and a data element
name which will be maintained
by Dow Jones as part of a
controlled vocabulary. A table
of DJEventNames mapped to
Country + SeriesCode is available
on request
An economic indicator element is
typically displayed in a calendar
by concatenating Country + Event
Description + Detail Description.
A shorter version can be created
using Country + DJComboDetail
_ _ N _
Actual A data value that has been
reported by the data provider
Source Used to indicate when a data value
is supplied by a party other than
Dow Jones
N _
Unit An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that represents the scale value in K
(thousand), M (million), B (billion),
T (trillion). If the unit attribute is not
present, the data value will have a
scale of “one”. Possible values are:
• K – Thousands
• M – Millions
• B – Billions
• T – Trillions
Pct An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a percent. This information
is included so appropriate formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
Possible values are:
Chg An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a net change. This
information is provided so that
appropriate net change formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
(Unlike regular positive values, users
may wish to prepend a “+” sign to
positive net changes.) Possible
values are:
• Y – The value represents a net
change and is not simply a
positive value
• N – The value is not a net change
and is simply a positive value
N  Y|N
Currency An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or
PrevRevised that specifies
a currency for the data value
AlgoTag An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that specifies a data item’s associated
algo/ENF tag
N _
LastModified An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that Date/time specifies the last date/
time an element was modified
N _

An expected or forecast figure.

Expected has 7 possible
attributes, none of which
are required

Source Used to indicate when a data value
is supplied by a party other than
Dow Jones
N _
Unit An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that represents the scale value in K
(thousand), M (million), B (billion),
T (trillion). If the unit attribute is not
present, the data value will have a
scale of “one”. Possible values are:
• K – Thousands
• M – Millions
• B – Billions
• T – Trillions
Pct An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a percent. This information
is included so appropriate formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
Possible values are:
• Y – The value is a percent.
• N – The value is not a percent
Chg An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a net change. This
information is provided so that
appropriate net change formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
(Unlike regular positive values, users
may wish to prepend a “+” sign to
positive net changes.) Possible
values are:
• Y – The value represents a net
change and is not simply a
positive value
• N – The value is not a net change
and is simply a positive value
Currency An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that specifies a data item’s associated
algo/ENF tag
AlgoTag An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that specifies a data item’s associated
algo/ENF tag
LastModified An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that Date/time specifies the last date/
time an element was modified







What was previously reported
and published by Dow Jones.

Previous has 7 possible
attributes, none of which
are required







Source Used to indicate when a data value
is supplied by a party other than
Dow Jones
N _
Unit An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that represents the scale value in K
(thousand), M (million), B (billion),
T (trillion). If the unit attribute is not
present, the data value will have a
scale of “one”. Possible values are:
• K – Thousands
• M – Millions
• B – Billions
• T – Trillions
Pct An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a percent. This information
is included so appropriate formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
Possible values are:
• Y – The value is a percent.
• N – The value is not a percent
Chg An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a net change. This
information is provided so that
appropriate net change formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
(Unlike regular positive values, users
may wish to prepend a “+” sign to
positive net changes.) Possible
values are:
• Y – The value represents a net
change and is not simply a
positive value
• N – The value is not a net change
and is simply a positive value
Currency An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or
PrevRevised that specifies
a currency for the data value
AlgoTag An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that specifies a data item’s associated
algo/ENF tag
LastModified An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that Date/time specifies the last date/
time an element was modified

A revision as specified by the
data provider to a previous figure.
For some events, the Previous
Revised figure is released with
the latest figures. The revised
figure is a revision of the
previous releases actual figures.
Revisions are made following
new information received after
the actual figure was published.
PreviousRevised has 7 possible
attributes, none of which
are required







Source Used to indicate when a data value
is supplied by a party other than
Dow Jones
N _
Unit An optional attribute of Previous, Expected,
Actual, Delta or PrevRevised that represents
the scale value in K (thousand), M (million),
B (billion), T (trillion). If the unit attribute is
not present, the data value will have a scale
of “one”. Possible values are:
• K – Thousands
• M – Millions
• B – Billions
• T – Trillions
Pct An optional attribute of Previous, Expected,
Actual, Delta or PrevRevised indicating
whether an event detail element is a
percent. This information is included so
appropriate formatting can be conveyed on
the display side. Possible values are:
• Y – The value is a percent.
• N – The value is not a percent
Chg An optional attribute of Previous, Expected,
Actual, Delta or PrevRevised indicating
whether an event detail element is a net
change. This information is provided so
that appropriate net change formatting can
be conveyed on the display side. (Unlike
regular positive values, users may wish to
prepend a “+” sign to positive net changes.)
Possible values are:
• Y – The value represents a net change
and is not simply a positive value
• N – The value is not a net change
and is simply a positive value
Currency An optional attribute of Previous, Expected,
Actual, Delta or PrevRevised that specifies
a currency for the data value
N _
AlgoTag An optional attribute of Previous, Expected,
Actual, Delta or PrevRevised that specifies
a data item’s associated algo/ENF tag
N _
An optional attribute of Previous, Expected,
Actual, Delta or PrevRevised that Date/time
specifies the last date/time an element
was modified
N _






The difference between the
actual reported figure and the
expected figure.

Delta has 7 possible attributes,
none of which are required







Source Used to indicate when a data value
is supplied by a party other than
Dow Jones
N _
Unit An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that represents the scale value in K
(thousand), M (million), B (billion),
T (trillion). If the unit attribute is not
present, the data value will have a
scale of “one”. Possible values are:
• K – Thousands
• M – Millions
• B – Billions
• T – Trillions
Pct An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a percent. This information
is included so appropriate formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
Possible values are:
• Y – The value is a percent.
• N – The value is not a percent
Chg An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
indicating whether an event detail
element is a net change. This
information is provided so that
appropriate net change formatting
can be conveyed on the display side.
(Unlike regular positive values, users
may wish to prepend a “+” sign to
positive net changes.) Possible
values are:
• Y – The value represents a net
change and is not simply a
positive value
• N – The value is not a net change
and is simply a positive value
Currency An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or
PrevRevised that specifies
a currency for the data value
N _
AlgoTag An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that specifies a data item’s associated
algo/ENF tag
N _
LastModified An optional attribute of Previous,
Expected, Actual, Delta or PrevRevised
that Date/time specifies the last date/
time an element was modified
N _

REST API Response Sample

Streaming - INSERT message sample

Streaming - DELETE message sample

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