FXStreet News API Documentation

FXStreet provides a 24hr exclusive service that covers in real-time the most relevant movements in the following asset classes.

FX Majors, Minors and Exotics

This news service gives a general snapshot blending both fundamental and technical elements to understand the latest moves in the Forex market. Experts' views and bank's research analysis are also integrated in FXStreet news to give an extra layer of insight to the information.

Stocks, Commodities and Bonds

The feed also includes stocks (major indices such as Nikkei 225, Shanghai's SSE Composite, DAX, Eurostoxx50, SP500, DJ30, etc) and commodities news (gold, oil, copper, silver, iron ore etc) when important movements occur and have noteworthy impacts on the currencies. Besides, FXStreet also makes regular mention of bond yields as part of their wide coverage, as it helps the audience better understand market conditions.


Key drivers in the FX market from a macro perspective are also integrated in FXStreet news service. From Central Banks speeches, Geo-political events, headlines by key politicians, announcements by rating agencies, and much more.

Economic Indicators

Some of the most important economic indicators are covered too, as PIB numbers, central banks interest rate decisions or non-farm payrolls for example.

Bank Research Analysis

FXStreet are continuously expanding their institutional research coverage, and with the exception of a few banks, the majority of strategists/economists/analysts are allowing FXStreet to quote their work, as they find it to be a win win situation to enhance their exposure too. Some of the banks one can find in FXStreet feed include: Westpac, RBS, BBH, Commerzbank, ANZ, Rabobank, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Danske Bank, Deutsche Bank, NAB, BNZ, HSBC and many more.

Inter-Market Analysis

Being aware of the global interconnections between equities, bonds, currencies, commodities, is vitally impotant. For a currency to move in a particular direction, and without taking into account short term/intraday flows, there are underlying reasons for markets to fluctuate. FXStreet connects the dots and provides comprehensive analysis on risk on/off market profiles, fundamentals, seek for higher yields, valuations, etc.

Option Expires

FXStreet also provide daily information on the expiration date of FX option contracts.

What is included in the API?

Textual Fields

  • Title
  • Summary
  • HtmlContent


Where applicable, FXStreet includes the image with various sizes together with the copyright information. These are the different available image sizes.

  • ImageXtraLarge
  • ImageLarge
  • ImageMedium
  • ImageSmall
  • ImageXtraSmall
  • ImageNano

In addition to the image sizes, the following info is also provided:

  • ImageCaption
  • ImageCopyright



Each article has one or more tags attached to it. Tags can include specific instruments or asset classes that are mentioned in the article, but also topics that an article is writing about.

Please reach out to Acuity Trading to obtain a complete list of available tags.

Supported Languages


Language Code



Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese


















Article Delivery Schedule

Articles are delivered in real time. As soon as the FXStreet service pushes the articles out to Acuity (via a TCP connection), Acuity pushes out the content via the WebSockets API.

Matching Articles with Instruments

One of the most common tasks that the News API is used for is to match the news articles with financial instruments in order to show relevant content on instrument-specific pages.

Articles can be matched to the individual instruments using Acuity Asset IDs (unique identifiers for instruments) or Asset Class IDs (identifiers for an asset class).

The API can return an element containing Acuity Asset IDs that match the article as part of the response (if requested at the request level). The request parameter that handles this is called FillAssetInfo and needs to be set to True to return this information.

Here's an example of how this looks in the API:

    "AssetIds": [3, 18, 28, 50, 58],
    "AssetClassIds": [6, 8, 10027]

To match these assets to asset names and other data, please request a complete asset list from Acuity when starting to use the API.

Data Schema

Field Name



Unique ID of the article.


Date and Time in GMT when the article was published.


HTML content of the article.


1-2 sentences that describe what the article is about.


Company that published the news article (usually it's FXStreet)


Title of the article.


Original Source URL of the article on https://fxstreet.com


Name of the author.


Extra large version of the article image.


Large version of the article image.


Medium version of the article image.


Small version of the article image.


Extra small version of the article image.


Nano version of the article image.


Image caption.


Source of the image.


Image title.


Article tags. Describe the affected instruments and also the topics that are covered in the article.


Acuity Asset IDs that identify instruments mentioned in the article.

Data Format

There are two data formats that are currently supported: the full response and the simplified response.

The full response ("ResponseFormat": 0) is a JSON representation of the fields, attributes and values described above in the Data Schema section.

The simplified response ("ResponseFormat:" 1) is a JSON representation of only the required fields from the Data Schema section.


REST API should generally be used to retrieve FXStreet News on demand for a specific time period in the past. For real time report retrieval please use the Streaming (WebSocket) API.


Overview: https://api.acuitytrading.com/
Swagger URL: https://api.acuitytrading.com/swagger/index.html


Documentation URL: https://api.acuitytrading.com/Security
Exchange your username and password for a Bearer token that you can pass with any request. The token is valid for 14 days.

Sample Request

curl -L -X POST "https://api.acuitytrading.com/token" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ^
--data-urlencode "grant_type=password" ^
--data-urlencode "username=YOUR_USERNAME" ^
--data-urlencode "password=YOUR_PASSWORD"

Sample Response

    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcm9kdWN0MiIsImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLmFjdWl0eXRyYWRpbmcuY29tL3dzLzIwMTMvMDgvaWRlbnRpdHkvY2xhaW1zL3VzZXJpZCI6IjU3OSIsImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLmFjdWl0eXRyYWRpbmcuY29tL3dzLzIwMTMvMDgvaWRlbnRpdHkvY2xhaW1zL2FwaWtleasdasdasdYWRpbmcuY29tL3dzLzIwMTMvMDgvaWRlbnRpdHkvY2xhaW1zL2lzYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciI6IkZhbHNlIiwianRpIjoiZjNjZGMzOTctMjY3Yy00YzMwLWFhNjMtODM1NzZhMjY1YjgyIiwiaWF0IjoxNjM0MzExNDI0LCJuYmYiOjE2MzQzMTE0MjQsImV4cCI6MTYzNTUyMTAyNCwiaXNzIjoiQWN1aXR5IiwiYXVkIjoiQWN1aXR5QXVkaWVuY2UifQ.-kMs-D4XoVOZSvjmSPVpjdiF3_IWflQU6Z27bPg2D3Q", 
    "token_type": "bearer", 
    "expires_in": 1209600, 
    "userName": "YOUR_USERNAME" 

Common Requests

Endpoint: POST ​/api​/fxnews

Retrieve all news from a specific time period

Sample request

curl -L -X POST "https://api.acuitytrading.com/api/fxnews" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN" \
-d "{
    \"StartDate\": \"2023-03-27T10:22:51.539Z\",
    \"EndDate\": \"2023-07-27T10:22:51.539Z\",
    \"Count\": 100,
    \"FillAssetInfo\": true,
    \"ResponseFormat\": 0

Sample response is provided in the Appendix.

Retrieve all news about EURUSD, Gold, and Brent Crude Oil in a particular date range

Sample request

curl -L -X POST "https://api.acuitytrading.com/api/fxnews" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN" \
-d "{
    \"StartDate\": \"2023-03-27T10:22:51.539Z\",
    \"EndDate\": \"2023-07-27T10:22:51.539Z\",
    \"AssetIds\": [50, 46, 48],
    \"Count\": 100,
    \"FillAssetInfo\": true,
    \"ResponseFormat\": 0

The above request is using Acuity Asset IDs to get news about specific instruments. In this case 50 maps to EURUSD, 46 - to Gold, and 48 to Brent Crude Oil.

Retrieve all news about some topics driven by FXStreet Tags

Sample request

curl -L -X POST "https://api.acuitytrading.com/api/fxnews" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.10tXIqqmPmpYmuRgfNGridK_2zuyfAKvzWk6R8aBzUU" \
-d "{
    \"StartDate\": \"2023-03-27T10:22:51.539Z\",
    \"EndDate\": \"2023-07-27T10:22:51.539Z\",
    \"Tags\": [\"CryptoCurrencies\"],
    \"Count\": 100,
    \"FillAssetInfo\": true,
    \"ResponseFormat\": 0

It's possible to pass the FXStreet Tags as part of the query and retrieve news using the original tags that the editors apply to the articles.

For a complete list of supported Tags, please reach out to Acuity Trading team.

Streaming (WebSocket) API

The purpose of this API is to deliver the FXStreet news in real time after their publication and/or modification.


Overview: https://api.acuitytrading.com/
Streaming API: https://api.acuitytrading.com/Streaming
FXStreet News: https://api.acuitytrading.com/Streaming#fx-news-parameters


To authenticate, you need to pass your API key in the server URL when connecting to Acuity API. Example: wss://api.acuitytrading.com/api/streaming?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY

Common Subscription Parameters

Each subscription in the Streaming API has the following parameters:

    "action": "ACTION",
    "topic": "TOPIC",
    "format": "FORMAT"

"action" (string) could be either subscribe or unsubscribe
"topic" (string) could be assets or fxnews . Other topics are also supported, but require additional services to be enabled.
"format" (int) - either 0 (full response) or 1 (simplified response). Simplified response delivers only mandatory fields and can be easier to process.

Subscribe to all news

Sample request

    "action" : "subscribe",
    "topic" : "fxnews",
    "lang": "en-GB",
    "fillAssetInfo" : true,
    "format": 0

Subscribe to news about particular topics

Sample request

    "action" : "subscribe",
    "topic" : "fxnews",
    "lang": "en-GB",
    "tags": ["CryptoCurrencies"],
    "fillAssetInfo" : true,
    "format": 0

This subscription example uses the tag name for cryptocurrencies (note: it's case-sensitive)

Response Samples

Insert message

This message type is sent when a news article is published. Please see a sample message in the Appendix.

Update message

This message is sent when message content needs to be updated. Any part of the article can be updated, for example, just the metadata, or the article text. Find the previously saved article by ID and replace its contents. If no article can be found with the ID, simply add the newly received article to your database. A sample message is provided in the Appendix.

Delete message

This message type is sent when a report is deleted. Please see a sample message in the Appendix.

Code Samples

For REST API you can use any language that supports sending/receiving web requests in JSON format.

For the Streaming (WebSocket) API, please consult the following pages:


REST API Response Sample

Full Response

        "Id": "530d2e80-5e51-09c4-2258-b8eb73e86cec",
        "Date": "2023-03-27T10:57:51",
        "HtmlContent": "<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Floki Inu, a Shiba Inu and Dogecoin competitor is on track for a 17% upswing to the $0.000041 level.&nbsp;</strong></li>\n\t<li><strong>The meme coin recently got listed on BigONE Exchange after its listing on Crypto.com.&nbsp;</strong></li>\n\t<li><strong>A decline below weekly low at $0.000034 could invalidate the bullish thesis for the meme coin.</strong>&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Floki Inu, a Shiba Inu and Dogecoin competitor, has a bullish target of $0.000041. The meme coin is in a downtrend, however recent rounds of exchange listings and altcoin price rallies have fueled a bullish sentiment among holders.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p><strong>Also read:</strong> Ethereum struggles to keep up with Bitcoin ahead of Shanghai upgrade</p>\n\n<h2 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">Floki Inu announces new exchange listing for the meme coin</h2>\n\n<p>Floki Inu, a meme coin competitor of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, is currently in a downtrend. The meme coin recently got listed on Crypto.com. FLOKI announced the listing of the token on BigONE exchange.</p>\n\n<p>The Netherlands-based exchange announced FLOKI&rsquo;s listing in a recent tweet earlier today.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Typically, announcements like exchange listings are considered bullish for the meme coin. FLOKI bulls set their eyes on the bullish target of $0.000041.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<h2 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">FLOKI price gears up for likely 17% upswing to $0.000041</h2>\n\n<p>There are two drivers of the FLOKI price rally. The first is the ongoing altcoin rally with cryptocurrencies yielding double-digit weekly gains as Bitcoin price rally slows down. The second one is the bullish sentiment among FLOKI holders with listing announcements from cryptocurrency exchanges.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p>As seen in the FLOKI/USDT price chart below, FLOKI is currently in a downtrend. However, bulls are on track to drive the meme coin to the bullish target of 38.2% Fibonacci Retracement at $0.000041.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p>The meme coin could find support at $0.000034 and $0.000025.</p>\n\n<p><img alt=\"FLOKI/USDT 4H price chart\" src=\"https://editorial.fxstreet.com/miscelaneous/FLOKIUSDT_2023-03-27_15-58-21-638155113759435222.png\" style=\"width: 950px; height: 534px;\"></p>\n\n<p><small>FLOKI/USDT 4H price chart&nbsp;</small></p>\n\n<p>If FLOKI price nosedives below support at $0.000034 it could invalidate the bullish thesis for the meme coin.&nbsp;</p>\n",
        "Summary": "Floki Inu, a Shiba Inu and Dogecoin competitor, has a bullish target of $0.000041. The meme coin is in a downtrend, however recent rounds of exchange ",
        "CompanyName": "FXStreet",
        "Title": "Floki Inu could witness a 17% upswing with latest FLOKI exchange listing",
        "Url": "https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/floki-inu-could-witness-a-17-upswing-with-latest-floki-exchange-listing-202303271057",
        "AuthorName": "Ekta Mourya",
        "ImageXtraLarge": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Resources/CryptoWorldSEO3_XtraLarge.jpg",
        "ImageLarge": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Resources/CryptoWorldSEO3_Large.jpg",
        "ImageMedium": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Resources/CryptoWorldSEO3_Medium.jpg",
        "ImageSmall": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Resources/CryptoWorldSEO3_Small.jpg",
        "ImageXtraSmall": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Resources/CryptoWorldSEO3_XtraSmall.jpg",
        "ImageNano": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Resources/CryptoWorldSEO3_Nano.jpg",
        "ImageCaption": "Floki Inu could witness a 17% upswing with latest FLOKI exchange listing",
        "ImageCopyright": "iStock",
        "ImageTitle": "Floki Inu could witness a 17% upswing with latest FLOKI exchange listing",
        "Tags": [
        "AssetIds": [
        "AssetClassIds": [

Simplified Response

        "Id": "530d2e80-5e51-09c4-2258-b8eb73e86cec",
        "Title": "Floki Inu could witness a 17% upswing with latest FLOKI exchange listing",
        "Content": "<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Floki Inu, a Shiba Inu and Dogecoin competitor is on track for a 17% upswing to the $0.000041 level.&nbsp;</strong></li>\n\t<li><strong>The meme coin recently got listed on BigONE Exchange after its listing on Crypto.com.&nbsp;</strong></li>\n\t<li><strong>A decline below weekly low at $0.000034 could invalidate the bullish thesis for the meme coin.</strong>&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Floki Inu, a Shiba Inu and Dogecoin competitor, has a bullish target of $0.000041. The meme coin is in a downtrend, however recent rounds of exchange listings and altcoin price rallies have fueled a bullish sentiment among holders.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p><strong>Also read:</strong> Ethereum struggles to keep up with Bitcoin ahead of Shanghai upgrade</p>\n\n<h2 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">Floki Inu announces new exchange listing for the meme coin</h2>\n\n<p>Floki Inu, a meme coin competitor of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, is currently in a downtrend. The meme coin recently got listed on Crypto.com. FLOKI announced the listing of the token on BigONE exchange.</p>\n\n<p>The Netherlands-based exchange announced FLOKI&rsquo;s listing in a recent tweet earlier today.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Typically, announcements like exchange listings are considered bullish for the meme coin. FLOKI bulls set their eyes on the bullish target of $0.000041.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<h2 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">FLOKI price gears up for likely 17% upswing to $0.000041</h2>\n\n<p>There are two drivers of the FLOKI price rally. The first is the ongoing altcoin rally with cryptocurrencies yielding double-digit weekly gains as Bitcoin price rally slows down. The second one is the bullish sentiment among FLOKI holders with listing announcements from cryptocurrency exchanges.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p>As seen in the FLOKI/USDT price chart below, FLOKI is currently in a downtrend. However, bulls are on track to drive the meme coin to the bullish target of 38.2% Fibonacci Retracement at $0.000041.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p>The meme coin could find support at $0.000034 and $0.000025.</p>\n\n<p><img alt=\"FLOKI/USDT 4H price chart\" src=\"https://editorial.fxstreet.com/miscelaneous/FLOKIUSDT_2023-03-27_15-58-21-638155113759435222.png\" style=\"width: 950px; height: 534px;\"></p>\n\n<p><small>FLOKI/USDT 4H price chart&nbsp;</small></p>\n\n<p>If FLOKI price nosedives below support at $0.000034 it could invalidate the bullish thesis for the meme coin.&nbsp;</p>\n",
        "Summary": "Floki Inu, a Shiba Inu and Dogecoin competitor, has a bullish target of $0.000041. The meme coin is in a downtrend, however recent rounds of exchange ",
        "Date": "2023-03-27T10:57:51",
        "Flash": false,
        "Hot": false,
        "AccessionNumber": null,
        "AssetIds": [
        "AssetClassIds": [
        "Geographies": null

Streaming API Response Sample

Insert message

        "topic": "fxnews",
        "messageType": "insert",
        "id": "a3d5734d-95eb-4f25-a894-809e00081fca",
        "lang": "en-gb",
        "doc": {
                "HtmlContent": "<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Germany’s ZEW Economic Sentiment Index dropped&nbsp;more than expected in May.</strong></li>\n\t<li><strong>EUR/USD remains unfazed near 1.0900 on the mixed ZEW surveys.</strong></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>The German ZEW headline number showed that the Economic Sentiment Index deteriorated sharply&nbsp;in May, arriving at-10.7 from 4.1 in April, missing the market expectation of -5.5.</p>\n\n<p>Meanwhile, the Current Situation Index improved to -34.8 from&nbsp;-32.5, bettering the market expectation of -37.5.</p>\n\n<p>During the same period, the&nbsp;<strong>Eurozone</strong>&nbsp;ZEW Economic Sentiment Index worsened to -9.4 from 6.4, compared to the estimates of 8.2.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<h2 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">Key points</h2>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>Indicator of economic sentiment has once again fallen sharply.</p>\n\n<p>Financial market experts anticipate a worsening of the already unfavorable economic situation in the next six months.</p>\n\n<p>German economy could slip into a recession, albeit a mild one.</p>\n\n<p>Sentiment indicator decline is partly due to expectations of further interes rate hikes by the ECB.</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<h3 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">Market reaction</h3>\n\n<p>The&nbsp;<strong>EUR/USD</strong>&nbsp;pair has paid a little heed to the mixed data, holding the higher ground near 1.0900, up 0.20% on the day.</p>\n",
                "Summary": "The German ZEW headline number showed that the Economic Sentiment Index deteriorated sharply in May, arriving at-10.7 from 4.1 in April, missing the m",
                "CompanyName": "FXStreet",
                "Title": "German ZEW Economic Sentiment Index declines to -10.7 in May vs. -5.5 expected",
                "Url": "https://www.fxstreet.com/news/german-zew-economic-sentiment-index-declines-to-107-in-may-vs-55-expected-202305160904",
                "AuthorName": "Dhwani Mehta",
                "ImageXtraLarge": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_XtraLarge.jpg",
                "ImageLarge": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Large.jpg",
                "ImageMedium": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Medium.jpg",
                "ImageSmall": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Small.jpg",
                "ImageXtraSmall": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_XtraSmall.jpg",
                "ImageNano": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Nano.jpg",
                "ImageCaption": "German ZEW Economic Sentiment Index declines to -10.7 in May vs. -5.5 expected",
                "ImageCopyright": "iStock",
                "ImageTitle": "German ZEW Economic Sentiment Index declines to -10.7 in May vs. -5.5 expected",
                "Id": "a3d5734d-95eb-4f25-a894-809e00081fca",
                "Date": "2023-05-16T09:04:08",
                "Tags": [
                                "Id": 57,
                                "TagId": "741b44da-7d42-41c9-9602-29327bd1509f",
                                "TagName": "Sentiment"
                                "Id": 131,
                                "TagId": "3a22efe1-698d-4bff-96db-725a60f62cc8",
                                "TagName": "Germany"
                                "Id": 47,
                                "TagId": "0ba8b635-7bfe-458e-8459-22e7162adca2",
                                "TagName": "Recession"
                                "Id": 227,
                                "TagId": "cd84055e-1e3f-4602-a3de-c0d4aa5bb5d1",
                                "TagName": "EconomicIndicator"
                                "Id": 84,
                                "TagId": "5f91ad8f-26cd-4643-9233-46bd18b03a70",
                                "TagName": "EURUSD"
                "AssetIds": [
                "AssetClassIds": [

Update message

        "topic": "fxnews",
        "messageType": "update",
        "id": "a3d5734d-95eb-4f25-a894-809e00081fca",
        "lang": "en-gb",
        "doc": {
                "HtmlContent": "<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Germany’s ZEW Economic Sentiment Index dropped&nbsp;more than expected in May.</strong></li>\n\t<li><strong>EUR/USD remains unfazed near 1.0900 on the mixed ZEW surveys.</strong></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>The German ZEW headline number showed that the Economic Sentiment Index deteriorated sharply&nbsp;in May, arriving at-10.7 from 4.1 in April, missing the market expectation of -5.5.</p>\n\n<p>Meanwhile, the Current Situation Index improved to -34.8 from&nbsp;-32.5, bettering the market expectation of -37.5.</p>\n\n<p>During the same period, the&nbsp;<strong>Eurozone</strong>&nbsp;ZEW Economic Sentiment Index worsened to -9.4 from 6.4, compared to the estimates of 8.2.&nbsp;</p>\n\n<h2 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">Key points</h2>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>Indicator of economic sentiment has once again fallen sharply.</p>\n\n<p>Financial market experts anticipate a worsening of the already unfavorable economic situation in the next six months.</p>\n\n<p>German economy could slip into a recession, albeit a mild one.</p>\n\n<p>Sentiment indicator decline is partly due to expectations of further interes rate hikes by the ECB.</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<h3 class=\"fxs_headline_medium\">Market reaction</h3>\n\n<p>The&nbsp;<strong>EUR/USD</strong>&nbsp;pair has paid a little heed to the mixed data, holding the higher ground near 1.0900, up 0.20% on the day.</p>\n",
                "Summary": "The German ZEW headline number showed that the Economic Sentiment Index deteriorated sharply in May, arriving at-10.7 from 4.1 in April, missing the m",
                "CompanyName": "FXStreet",
                "Title": "German ZEW Economic Sentiment Index declines to -10.7 in May vs. -5.5 expected",
                "Url": "https://www.fxstreet.com/news/german-zew-economic-sentiment-index-declines-to-107-in-may-vs-55-expected-202305160904",
                "AuthorName": "Dhwani Mehta",
                "ImageXtraLarge": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_XtraLarge.jpg",
                "ImageLarge": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Large.jpg",
                "ImageMedium": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Medium.jpg",
                "ImageSmall": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Small.jpg",
                "ImageXtraSmall": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_XtraSmall.jpg",
                "ImageNano": "https://editorial.fxstreet.com/images/Macroeconomics/Countries/Europe/Eurozone_countries/Germany/the-victory-column-siegessaule-with-german-flag-berlin-germany-72135281_Nano.jpg",
                "ImageCaption": "German ZEW Economic Sentiment Index declines to -10.7 in May vs. -5.5 expected",
                "ImageCopyright": "iStock",
                "ImageTitle": "German ZEW Economic Sentiment Index declines to -10.7 in May vs. -5.5 expected",
                "Id": "a3d5734d-95eb-4f25-a894-809e00081fca",
                "Date": "2023-05-16T09:04:08",
                "Tags": [
                                "Id": 57,
                                "TagId": "741b44da-7d42-41c9-9602-29327bd1509f",
                                "TagName": "Sentiment"
                                "Id": 131,
                                "TagId": "3a22efe1-698d-4bff-96db-725a60f62cc8",
                                "TagName": "Germany"
                                "Id": 47,
                                "TagId": "0ba8b635-7bfe-458e-8459-22e7162adca2",
                                "TagName": "Recession"
                                "Id": 227,
                                "TagId": "cd84055e-1e3f-4602-a3de-c0d4aa5bb5d1",
                                "TagName": "EconomicIndicator"
                                "Id": 84,
                                "TagId": "5f91ad8f-26cd-4643-9233-46bd18b03a70",
                                "TagName": "EURUSD"
                "AssetIds": [
                "AssetClassIds": [

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