
Acuity & Signal Centre tools can be used in a variety of trading platforms, such as MetaTrader 4 and 5, and cTrader. Using the tools directly in these trading platforms facilitates trading, as users can place orders immediately.

To ensure that only authorized users can access the Expert Advisors or the plugins, it’s necessary to configure the allowed servers first.

The verification process works in this way:

  1. User installs the expert advisor or the plugin by downloading and running the executable file that Acuity provides. This adds the necessary tools to the EA or plugin list in the trading platforms.
  2. User starts the expert advisor or the plugin.
  3. The EA checks which server the user is connecting from, and if this server is in the allowed list (which is tied to the executable), the EA loads.
  4. If the server is not in the allowed list, the user will receive an error message indicating that, and asking them to reach out to support.

Servers can be configured directly in the dashboard.

Here are some examples of the server format that our dashboard supports:


Server Name Example

MetaTrader 4/5


MetaTrader 4/5




